Jewish date: 19 Ṭeveth 5770 (Parashath Shemoth).
Today’s holidays: Feast of John Neumann (Roman Catholicism), Eve of Epiphany (Roman Catholicism), Mungday (Discordianism).
Topic 1: “Jimmy Carter Apologizes”. This Dry Bones cartoon deals with Jimmy Carter’s recent apology for years of anti-Semitism in the form of Israel-bashing. Noted in the cartoonist’s commentary is a reply to Carter’s apology from CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) which correctly points out that in Judaism, an apology is not merely admitting fault but also working to correct the original error. Admitting fault but doing nothing to correct the original error makes for a good chance of repeating the error. CAMERA thus asks Carter to address the many factual errors he has promoted (e.g., in his notorious book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid). I am curious to know whether Carter will go this far.
Topic 2: For today’s religious humor, something a bit different: “Amish kitteh disapproves” and “I IS AMISH LOLCAT.”

(You have to click on the link to see the other Amish LOLcat; this one has no provision for showing the picture off the I Can Has Cheezburger? site.)
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