Worthy cause of the day: “Close the Gun Show Loophole - The Petition Site”.
Topic 1: The latest episode of V, “We Can't Win”. (Yes, I know I have to get around to reviewing these things faster.) This is not a heavily religious episode, but there are two items of note. The first is that Father Jack uses his position as a priest to get to talk to a person of interest on his deathbed. (Think last rites.) The second is that Chad metaphorically calls Anna a god, which certainly fits in the image she works to create for herself. Anna strongly implies in a retort that if she is a god, Chad is her prophet, which works considering his position as her favored reporter.
Side note: It has occurred to me that the name of the Visitor opposition group, “Fifth Column”, is extremely appropriate. After all, the Roman numeral for 5 is V.
Also: Someone prod me on faster reviewing in general. I finished The Color of Magic (Discworld Series, book 1) by Terry Pratchett the other day, and I need to start writing up a review on it very soon before I bury what I read under thoughts of the next book in the series, The Light Fantastic.
Topic 2: Daily dose of anti-Semitism: “Could Hamas Be Any More Disgusting?” I really cannot make up anything this lopsided.
Topic 3: For today’s religious humor: “devil skwerl”:

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