Jewish date: 1 Nisan 5771 (evening) (Parashath Meṣora‘).
Today’s holidays: Biblical New Year (Judaism), Ro’sh Ḥodhesh/New Month (Judaism), Great Lent (Christianity), Lent (Christianity), Feast Day of St. Porfirio Diaz (Church of the SubGenius), Feast Day of Isidore (Roman Catholicism), Ugadi (Hinduism), Gudi Padwa (Hinduism).
Normally I would not post right now. I am working on a theological review of Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott—thank Barry for diverting me into this by having me look for errata in the version which he eventually published on Scribd—and I do not consider it realistic to finish it tonight. However, I do want to mention something happening tomorrow (5 April): The 2nd Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day, 5771/2011, a worthy idea, considering that the Temple Mount is an extremely important and holy place in Judaism and the criminal neglect and abuse it has received over the years. Here is the official promotional video on what is planned:
I do not plan on being there in person, as my current situation does not make it realistic. (I have other things I need to work on. That’s life.) But I do plan on spending as much time as I can spare watching the live feed for the sake of education and edification. I also hope to personally visit the Western Wall and Temple Mount over Pesaḥ (Passover). (I also suspect I will get banned from the Temple Mount for violating the illegal ban on praying there, but at least that will be as an act of civil disobedience towards promoting Jewish religious rights.) So if you can, please watch tomorrow and learn something. Thank you.
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