Jewish date: 23 Tammuz 5770 (Parashath Maṭṭoth-Mas‘e).
Today’s holidays: The Three Weeks (Judaism), Feast Day of Anthony Zaccaria (Roman Catholicism), Feast Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius Day (Christianity), X-Day (approximate) (Church of the SubGenius).
Note: X-Day is supposed to be the day of alien invasion. Considering that the Church of the SubGenius, at least on the surface, is a joke, predictions of impending doom should be taken with a grain of salt.
Theological rating: / r̼̊/ (Bronx cheer; perfectly orthodox, but shallowly).
Next up: Godspell (1973).
Topic 2: More current anti-Semitism: “CNN's Cheerleader for Hezbollah” discusses CNN correspondent Octavia Nasr’s mourning over Hezbollah terrorist leader Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah’s death. “Abbas Eulogizes Munich Massacre Mastermind” discusses Mahmoud Abbas (chairman of the Palestinian Authority and the guy who is allegedly supposed to be a partner for peace with Israel) mourning Abu Dauod, who participated in the murder of 11 Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972. (And some people somehow have no clue why the “peace process” is hopelessly stalled. “Ongoing Palestinian Terrorism: 5 Dead, 232 Hurt in 6 Months” may also be a clue.) “The banality of Methodist evil” deals with a boycott against Israel by the Methodist Church of Britain, justified with a smorgasbord of bad logic, including double-standards, proof by assertion, and lying.
Topic 3: For today’s religious humor: “My first owner was Moses…”:

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