Jewish date: 21 Shevaṭ 5770 (Parashath Yithro).
Today’s holiday: Feast of Agatha (Roman Catholicism).
Worthy causes of the day: “Coal Ash is Hazardous Waste and Must Be Regulated Now - The Petition Site”, “CARE : Defending Dignity - Fighting Poverty : Ask Congress to Help Haiti”, “Tell China: Free Tibetan Filmmaker - The Petition Site”, and “Save BioGems: Take Action: Save Wolves Under Siege”.
Topic 1: Reviews I have written relevant to this week’s Torah portion: “There can be miracles when you disbelieve: a review of The Prince of Egypt” and “You cut up the Bible, you bloody baboon!: A review of The Ten Commandments and The Ten Commandments: The Musical”. Note that the later in particular deals with my recurring complaint about mistranslation.
Topic 2: In some commentary I made a while back on Jesus Christ Superstar, I claimed the interview I discussed was with Andrew Lloyd Webber. This was incorrect. It was with his master lyricist Tim Rice. (Yes, I make mistakes.)
Topic 3: “TV Coverage (1995)”. I am not the only one who has thought of the Arab-Israeli War as a “PR jihad”.
Topic 4: For today’s religious humor: “That’s”:

Reportedly cats do seem to think like this. This may or may not be related to the ancient Egyptian cat-headed goddess Bast.
Peace and Shabbath shalom.
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