Jewish date: 19 Shevaṭ 5770 (Parashath Yithro).
Today’s holidays: Feasts of Blase and Ansgar (Roman Catholicism).
Topic 1: “Robots Display Predator-Prey Co-Evolution, Evolve Better Homing Techniques”: A common technique of creationist apologetics is to claim that something could not have possibly have evolved. (One would have thought the rise of multi-drug resistance would have killed the illusion that evolution is merely hypothetical.) This article discusses evolution of robot behavior, specifically co-evolution of robot behaviors when robot behaviors are selected for different goals.
Topic 2: “Goldstone Poison”. This Dry Bones cartoon deals with the Goldstone Report in terms of an anti-Semitic blood libel. The text commentary backs this up with an article by Alan Dershowitz which exposes the Report’s twisted morality.
Topic 3: For today’s religious humor: “der iz a speshul ring of hell”:

Clearly Dante was an influence on this cat and the Easter Bunny on his/her owner.
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